

Belle Meade School is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. A large part of our budget comes from generous donors. Please consider us in your charitable planning!

If you would like to speak to us about making a donation, please contact us.

Donations can be made via PayPal:

Or send a check to Belle Meade School, 353 F. T. Valley Road, Sperryville, Virginia 22740.

Thank you to our major donors:
Greve Foundation, Joseph and Lynne Horning/Horning Family Fund, Joseph B. Johnson, Mike Biniek and Susan Hoffman, Cliff and Christine Mumm, Liesbet Koromzay, Susan and John Dienelt, David and Virginia Gerrish, Jeanne and John Floberg, Columbus Foundation, Matthew Wheelock and KK Ottesen, Inasmuch Foundation, Jeanne Hoffman Smith, and Marion Briscoe DeVore